As one of India's leading financial services organisations, HSBC offers many ways for both experienced candidates and students and graduates to realise their professional ambitions.
We have opportunities in areas including retail banking and wealth management, insurance, commercial and investment banking, trade finance, cash management, capital markets, asset management, and securities and custody services.
In addition, we have roles in operational and support functions such as internal audit, marketing and human resources.
HSBC Operations, Services and Technology, which provides essential operational services, IT and technical support to the bank’s Global Businesses and Functions worldwide, also has a significant presence in India. Our Global Service Centres in Bangalore, Chennai, Delhi, Hyderabad, Kolkata, Mumbai and Vizag offer a range of roles in business processing, analytics and customer services.
We also have software development teams in our Global Technology Centres based in Hyderabad and Pune. Find out more about our Global Technology Centres.
Search for current opportunities in our Global Service Centres and Global Technology Centres.
Working for HSBC in India will provide you with access to tailored professional development opportunities and a competitive pay and benefits package. We work hard to ensure that our workplace is a diverse, inclusive and meritocratic environment and have a strong commitment to sustainability.
Recognise that their competitiveness is closely linked with the wellbeing of all parts of Indian society
Acknowledge that equal opportunity in employment for all sections of society is a component of their growth and competitiveness, and that such inclusive growth contributes to India’s development
Recognise that diversity to reflect socially disadvantaged sections of society in the workplace has a positive impact on business
Avoid practising or supporting conscious discrimination in any form
Avoid treating job applicants from disadvantaged sections of society less favourably if theypossess the skills and credentials for the job as advertised.
Select business partners based solely on normal business parameters. Where these are equal, they will choose a partner belonging to a socially disadvantaged section of society
Have a written policy statement on affirmative action in the workplace
Place an employment policy in the public domain.Provide training that enables employees from socially disadvantaged sections of society to improve their capabilities and skills.Form partnerships with educational institutions to support students from socially disadvantaged sections of society.Have a senior executive, accountable to the CEO, to oversee and promote affirmative action policies and programmes and present a biannual report on them to the company’s board.Have a policy to maintain records on affirmative action.Share their knowledge and experiences of affirmative action with other companies.